Pricey foul-smelling Durians
Durians are banned from hotels and airlines and many people are put off by the strong pungent smell.
Yet the King of Fruits, especially the famous ‘Musang King’ specie, commands a whopping four figures in Hong Kong.
Picture this. Musang King durian, with thick creamy texture and bittersweet in taste, is in high demand even locally, has become a household name and sold for Hong Kong Dollars 1,044, equivalent of about RM522 per about 3kg in weight.

Price tag of 2.9kg Malaysian Musang King at City Super Hong Kong
Hail the King of Fruits. Durian season is in full swing during the June-July period and roadside durian stalls are doing brisk business.
Penang, being the food haven in the Southeast Asia, has taken centre stage once more.
The taste is so ‘seductive” and enticing to render devoted foodies around the globe drooling upon sighting durians. They crave for more and it is no wonder durian lovers are more than willing to pay for this seasonal fruit to binge themselves.
Where2 checks out roadside stalls as the durian season begins to kick in.
Aside from Musang King, the other most sought after species are Hor Lor (Water Gourd), Black Thorn, Ang Heh (Red Prawn).

A wide range of durians on sale at a roadside stall in Jalan Anson
Durian seller Ang Hock Leng at Jalan Anson said the prices of the yellow flesh fruits have been spiralling upwards. Despite a modest harvest season, Ang said the supply of the durians remained ample.
“People are willing to pay any price to savour the best of durians Penang has to offer to the world,” he said.

Ang Hock Leng said the supply in durians would remain constant despite higher prices due to a wide network of orchards on the mainland in Penang
The King of Fruits has a wide range of uses; in the making of Dodol (a sweet toffee-like confection), Lempuk, Tempoyak, pancake, candy as well as powder for mixing with ice cream and in shakes.
Lempuk is a traditional recipe favoured by many. This product is produced by cooking the durian flesh until it dried up.
Tempoyak is a durian condiment that is created through natural fermentation by storing up the durian flesh for a short time in a bottle or a large earthenware jar.
Those who love durians will swear the lingering smell and taste of durians is worth the year-long wait after binging on it this season.